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Improving management effectiveness – Blue & John Crow Mountains National Park and World Heritage Site

Terrestrial protected area Key landscape for conservation Key biodiversity area
Governance Management effectiveness Livelihoods
Local communities Farmers/Fishermen National or local PA agency
Ecosystem/habitat restoration Capacity building Monitoring/Patrol equipment
513,378.61 EUR Jamaica; Caribbean August 03, 2020 - August 02, 2023

Protected and conserved area(s) concerned

Blue & John Crow Mountains National Park, 28856; Blue & John Crow Moutains World Heritage Site.

Diagnostic tools used

METT Scorecard 2015/16 and National Park Management Plan 2017/18 – 2026/27

The BIOPAMA AC Objectives addressed

  • Enhance the management and governance of priority protected areas by addressing existing limitations (strengthening on-site infrastructure/equipment for patrolling, poaching control, developing capacity of staff);
  • Support local communities’ initiatives aiming to enhance the livelihoods of local people whilst effectively contributing to protected areas management.

Priority need addressed

Decrease encroachment through boundary marking, improved enforcement & compliance programme, enhanced community awareness and sustainable livelihoods opportunities and forest restoration.

Project activities

The activities of this project are divided by three main areas of work:

1. Boundary Marking (at key areas): Install firebreak, small signs, paint on trees, ribbon of trees (where there are no trees) and forest restoration in deforested areas immediately behind the boundary. This work will be focused on the most encroached boundary (on the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains). The same small signs and paint on trees will be placed along other boundaries that are easily accessible. GPS tracking will be used to ensure the park staff install the signs/symbols at the correct locations. This activity will be implemented by the Park Manager and Ranger Corps.

2. Enhanced Enforcement & Compliance Programme: improve/expand Ranger Stations; Procure & use: vehicles, equipment & gear including camera traps and drones and other technology; Conduct Ranger training. These activities will enhance the ability of National Park Rangers to promote compliance and deter against illegal activities in and around the National Park.

3. Raised community awareness, knowledge and Improved sustainable livelihood practices: Involve community members and volunteers in work of the National Park; Community Outreach activities e.g. fairs, public education; Sustainable Livelihoods and National Park management training. In addition, there will be a strategic effort to improve communications and facilitation of sustainable livelihoods based on lessons learned, studies conducted over the last three years and best practices.

The change the project implementation will bring for the protected area(s)

The vehicles, equipment and gear will significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of management of the National Park and protection of its core Preservation Zone, which is a World Heritage Site. In particular, it will ensure greater presence of the National Park Rangers and improved observation of any breaches of the protected area or other environmental legislation. Along with the more organised training of the National Park Rangers and the improved Ranger Station conditions, this will improve the morale within the National Park Ranger Corps. The boundary marking, particularly along the most encroached boundary, will result in the improved visibility of the boundary, making it easier to defend and for local farmers to obey, therefore reducing encroachment. There will also be activities aimed at addressing land tenure in the area, with other additional funding. Reduced encroachment and consequently reduced damage to the forest within the boundary as well as restoration of forest on degraded land inside the National Park boundary will improve the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the area. The community outreach and facilitation of sustainable livelihoods is aimed at changing behaviour as we have found from recent studies that community members are quite aware of best environmental practices however they require more of an on-going, mentoring approach in addition to incentives and enforcement action.

Download the project infofiche.

Implementing organisations

Green Jamaica JCDT and Blue Mountain National Park

Photo credits: S Otuokon JCDT

BIOPAMA grantees’ voices: Green Jamaica JCDT, Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park

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