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Implementing adaptive management of the Portland Bight Protected Area through METT-4 assessment

Terrestrial Protected Area Marine Protected Area Marine Managed Area Key Biodiversity Area
Management effectiveness
Farmers/Fishermen National or Local PA Agency
Awareness/education Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) Management plan
Not Provided Jamaica; Caribbean January 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022

Protected and conserved area(s) concerned

Portland Bight Protected Area

The BIOPAMA AC Objectives addressed

The objective of this project is to use the METT-4 process to identify priority actions for the PBPA using an adaptive management approach that assesses the threats and the effectiveness of previous management actions quantitatively, through data analysis and seeks to identify and address potential and actual risks.

Priority need addressed

The Portland Bight Protected Area is managed on behalf of the Government of Jamaica by the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, which leads a coalition of other government agencies that have various responsibilities within the area. The management plans for the PBPA was developed using participatory processes, but it is needs to be updated as it covered the period 2013-18.

The Government of Jamaica also requires protected areas to carry out annual METT assessments but there is no specific mechanism to link METT assessments to management and operations plans. METT assessments are carried by multi-agency teams but are based on qualitative rather than quantitative assessments. METT assessments for the PBPA as a whole were carried out as follows: in 2015, 2018 but no METT was done in 2020.

The new METT-4 methodology provides an approach that could incorporate monitoring data in an adaptive management framework. The recent development of the METT-4 process, provides an important opportunity to bridge the gap between the METT, adaptive management and the updating of management plans. The requirement to use quantitative data offers the opportunity to enhance the METT approach and implement the adaptive management process. 

Large amounts of monitoring data have been collected for the PBPA by the various management partners but these data have not been collated, stored in an accessible format, analysed or applied. This project will provide a very important opportunity to gather and analyse the data and for the agencies to work collaboratively to develop practical and measurable management recommendations that can be incorporated in new management plans. The approach developed through this project will establish the procedures to be applied in the future.

The METT-4 would support the preparation of new management plans and the streamlining of the monitoring programme. It would be packaged into an attractive and readable “State of the PBPA 1998-2021 Report” which would be used to promote our work, to support operations planning and to leverage funding.

Project activities

  • The first activity after hiring team members will be to hold an Inception meeting with team members and stakeholders to discuss the project , get their agreement for data sharing and their potential role and get feedback to improve the overall actions.
  • The team will identify data needs and agree on strategy to gather data including the database and data collection form. We would then move on to development of the database and collecting and analysing data with the support of the Research Assistant and GIS consultant.
  • The lead consultant will then produce draft data summary report and have that data verified through relevant consultation sessions.
  • We will hold Participatory thematic workshops  to complete METT4 using data report (governance, biodiversity and management). Finally, there will be the preparation and dissemination of the State of the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA) report as well as other relevant project reports.

The change the project implementation will bring for the protected area(s)

The project will greatly enhance the conservation of the PBPA, through supporting adaptive management and conservation planning. The collation and analysis of data from multiple sources will improve and adapt the METT process for the PBPA. This will ensure that the METT4 assessment for 2022 will include a better reflection of the work that has been done and the  actions needed to improve conservation programmes. The process of obtaining and collating data will strengthen partnerships. It will allow C-CAM to identify gaps in monitoring programmes and to make recommendations and seek funding to ensure that monitoring efforts are targeted towards the most significant adaptive management targets. The results of the METT will inform a revised PBPA management plan, which is being developed under another project. The State of the Portland Bight Environment Report will showcase the work of C-CAM and its partners in the PBPA. This will increase engagement of stakeholders and will support project development and funding.

Download the project infofiche.

Implementing organisations

Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation


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