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Improving Management Effectiveness of Kisite Mpunguti Marine Conservation Area.

Marine Protected and Conserved Areas Key Biodiversity Area Transboundary Areas
Livelihoods Governance Management Effectiveness
Local communities Fishermen National/Local Protected Areas Agency
Protected Areas Management Effectiveness (PAME) Protected Area Governance Effectiveness Survey/Data Knowledge Management
Not Provided Kenya; Eastern Africa October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2022

Protected and conserved area(s) concerned

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Conservation Area

The BIOPAMA AC Objectives addressed

  • Enhance the management and governance of priority areas by addressing existing limitations (strengthening on-site infrastructure/equipment for patrolling, poaching control, developing capacity of staff);
  • Support local communities’ initiatives aiming to enhance the livelihoods of local people whilst effectively contributing to protected areas management.

Priority need addressed

  • Improving Management Effectiveness of Kisite Mpunguti Marine Conservation Area

Project activities

Result 1: Improved management effectiveness of Kisite–Mpunguti Marine Park

  • Develop short term action plans with measurable targets to address management gaps identified in the previous management effectiveness assessment of 2017
  • Undertake staff competencies assessments under WIO COMPAS tool and design training to address competence gaps
  • Train 30 staff and 36 (20 Women ;16 Men) local communities around the MPA to undertake participatory ecological monitoring
  • Procurement of monitoring and patrol equipment to aid MPA data capture, analysis and information sharing system
  • Review current MPA compliance and enforcement and use of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) patrol software
  • Establish and implement an enforcement mechanism to address near-border problems

Result 2: Improved governance, communities’ participation, equity and benefit sharing in KMMP and surrounding community management areas 

  • Establish and operationalize project management committee including local communities
  • Train local communities living around Kisite – Mpunguti MPA to effectively manage LMMAs (governance, leadership, monitoring etc)
  • Develop guidelines for benefit sharing targeting local communities   
  • Conduct repeat Social Assessment of Protected Areas
  • Training of MPA staff to enhance capacity to deal with grievances and complaints

Result 3: Enhanced knowledge management; Improved communication, education & public awareness (CEPA)

  • Communication collateral co-development
  • Case study story gathering
  • Publication in regional and international platforms/ newsletters/ blogs
  • Develop and publish scientific publications in relevant platforms
  • Participation in regional and international conferences to present project work 

Result on ESMS

Development, implementation, and monitoring for an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

The change the project implementation will bring for the protected area(s)

  • Improved management effectiveness of Kisite–Mpunguti Marine Park
  • Improved governance, communities’ participation, equity and benefit sharing in KMMP and surrounding community management areas
  • Enhanced knowledge management; Improved communication, education & public awareness (CEPA)

Download the project infofiche.

Implementing organisations

Kenya Wildlife Service

WWF Kenya


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